Ascidiacyclamide diastereomers

Conformational restraints induced by modification of configuration of threonine and oxazoline residues in ascidiacyclamide analogues.

Akiko Asano*, Takeshi Yamada, Yoshio Katsuya, Taizo Taniguchi, Masahiro Sasaki and Mitsunobu Doi
J. Peptide Res., 66 (Suppl. 1), 90-98 (2006).

@Mar. 2006





X-Ray Data Summary
Compound              3                   4                   5                   6
Our nomemc.         dASC5               ASC5                dASC8               ASC8
AA @ 2 and 6        Thr                 aOxz                D-allo-Thr          D-Oxz
Formula             C36H56N8O8S2,       C36H52N8O6S2,       C36H56N8O8S2,       C36H52N8O6S2,
                    C6H6                H2O                 2(C3H7NO)           H2O
Mr                  871.14              774.99              939.2               774.99
C.System            orthorhombic        orthorhombic        orthorhombic        orthorhombic
SPG                 P21 2 21            P212121             P212121             P21212
a, Å                10.2890(7)          10.4017(2)          11.273(5)           13.876(4)
b, Å                10.9986(6)          18.3304(5)          17.320(6)           17.341(8)
c, Å                19.7712(9)          21.6941(6)          25.213(5)           9.086(3)
V, A3               2237.4(2)           4136.4(2)           4923(3)             2186(1)
TEMP, K             100                 100                 100                 293
Dx, g cm-3          1.293               1.244               1.267               1.177
F(000)              932                 1656                2016                828
μ, mm-1            0.179               0.183               0.172               1.53
λ, Å               0.836               0.836               0.836               1.5418
Radiation           SP8/BL24XU-A        SP8/BL24XU-A        SP8/BL24XU-A        RU200
Device              RAXIS-IV            RAXIS-IV            RAXIS-IV            AFC5R
NREF obs.           7993                4369                14984               3587
Rint                0.0526              0                   0.0552              0.0369
θmax               31.53               30.64               29.84               70.04
NREF                4492                4369                8213                3150
Flack               0.5(1)              0.43(9)             0.83(7)             0.02(5)
Npara               275                 507                 580                 241
R                   0.0763              0.0444              0.0518              0.0734
wR                  0.2065              0.113               0.1319              0.1927
Goodness of fit     1.066               1.083               1.03                1.118
(Δ/σ)max          0.012               0.006               0.003               0.001
Fraction            0.982               0.993               0.936               0.955
Δρmax, e A-3      0.45                0.464               0.675               0.876
Δρmin, e A-3      -0.496              -0.345              -0.291              -0.309

Get PDB             o5whole.pdb         a5.pdb              o8.pdb              a8whole.pdb

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