
  1. Run RasMol, and rotate the model to the position you want. (on Mac)

    (Nice RasMol tutorial is presented by Dr.Okamoto, Osaka Med. Univ.)

  2. Set ball and bond sizes in ' RasMol Command Line'. (on Mac)
    # change bond radius to little bit thick
    wireframe 30
    # change ball size depennding on element.
    # 'cpk' command is okey.
    select carbon, oxygen, nitrogen
    spacefill 0.25
    select hydrogen
    spacefill 0.15
    # next selects chlorine atoms of ORN residues.
    spacefill 0.40
    # next changes bockground color to bluetint.
    background bluetint

      (Line started '#' is comment)

  3. Write POV-Ray data from 'RasMol Commad Line'. (on Mac)

    'left' and 'right' are file name (suffix).
    Files of '', 'right.pov', '' and 'left.pov' are saved in RasMol directory.
    Command 'rotate y -6' is for stereo view. You can change this angle smaller or larger. (Help is invoked by 'help commands')

  4. Run POV-Ray: open ' left.pov' and start rendering. (on Mac)

    Output 'left.pict'.
    When start rendering, 'antialias' results good image. But cpu time consumption!
    For RasMol drawing, campus size should be square on POV-Ray, ex. 480 x 480.
    Big campus results very fine image, but it takes long long time.
    'left.pov' read ''.

  5. Run POV-Ray: open ' right.pov' and start rendering. (on Mac)

    Output 'right.pict'.

  6. Combine the produced pict files, 'left.pict' and 'right.pict', to side-by-side. (on Mac)

    Can you see stereo?

    Bigger one (84KB) is here.
    The originals are rendered with 480x480 size and combinded.

    The other images are here.

    Also check a closeup view (GIF, 92KB), you can see image detail. (JPEG, 35KB)

For rendering big image...

Don't use 'real time image' on Mac or Win. Next morning coming. Try Linux version of POV-Ray!

Usage (Linux bash)... A file 'sq2560.ini' defines campus size ... Modify 'Width' and 'Height' values to change campus size. Could be 10000.
